October 23, 2011

Mercedes Benz Anti Lock Brake Systems

The Bosch designed Anti Lock Brake ideas for the mercedes operates from the interaction of hydraulic unit with three fast switching solenoid valves, an elrctronic control unit with overvoltage safety three speed sensors and a wire harness with relays.

The yellow warning light on the insrument panel with the Abs symbol is turned on with the
ignition,this light will go out once the machine is running the antilock brake ideas is programed to go out after 7.5Mph.

Hydraulic Pressure Sensor Symbol

When any fault is found in the Abs ideas the warning light will go on, the Built In Test tool
will begin to check the Abs afer 3 Mph and if there is default then the conventional brake system
still remains operational.

When battery runs below 10.5 volts the Abs ideas will remain off untill the alternator runs up over 10.5 volts then the Abs ideas light will go out, following a repair to the abs ideas the check machine light goes out after 7 Mph.

After any check or exchange of any Abs component a check is needed with the following test adapter # 126 859 09 21 00.

Independent from the master cylinder pressure the hydraulic unit will compensate brake fluid pressure to brake calipers during regulation, pressure growth above master cylinder pressure
is not possible.

Brake fluid pressure is increased, held or decreased with three hydraulic unit solenoid valves that control left front and right front and rear brakes.

In the build up pressure stage, the pressure increases by the intake valve opportunity to pressure from the master cylinder the pressure holding stage which is after the discount stage
pressure from the hydraulic unit is constant, input and output valves in solinoid valve are closed.

During pressure discount stage, the brake fluid flows from reservoir to return pump, to declare constant fluid volume, the pump returnes the fluid to Mercedes master cylinder against prevailing brake master cylinder pressure.

Each circuit has a noise silenser to dampen brake fluid delivery noise, solenoid valves and return pump relays are on a 12 pole socket of the hydraulic unit, a diode id sodered in the socket.

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Mercedes Benz Anti Lock Brake Systems

Barometric Pressure Sensors Air Pressure Sensor